The Emerge Story
Carrying on a commitment that began in 1976, Emerge’s team—and the circle of enthusiastic parents, case managers, volunteers, and local employers that make up the Emerge family—today offers supported living, residential, day and employment services to more than 450 individuals throughout central Maryland.
We work hard to improve the quality of life for our customers, and we put this dedication into practice through a distinctive multi-service structure anchored in a steadfast no-discharge policy. At the same time we actively listen to our customers, responding insightfully and creatively to the needs and preferences they express.
Again and again other Emerge customers step forward to offer their open-hearted support in setting a new customer on the right path. We do not turn away an individual in need of our help. For nearly forty years, this philosophy has served the Emerge family well in helping individuals with multiple disabilities and complex challenges live fuller and happier lives.
In a word, the 24/7 commitment and dedication of our team to embracing the needs, preferences and aspirations of our customers are contagious. They inspire not just customers but their parents and siblings as well, not to mention the local businesses that sign on as Emerge employers. The result: an expanding circle empowered by mutual respect, affection and strong feelings of family loyalty.
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